We already know that Fibroids are benign masses that grow within the uterus (womb) of a woman. It used to be common amongst women 50 and above, but now, we find it in much younger women.
Fibroids can grow on the submucosal (inside), intramural (middle) or subserosal (outside) surface of the womb. The position of the fibroid therefore, contributes to the severity of the symptoms.
The exact cause of fibroid is unknown, but scientists have shown that there are certain risk factors that predisposes one to developing them.
They include:
▪︎Family history of fibroids
▪︎Early onset of puberty
▪︎Age – more likely over age 30
▪︎High blood pressure
▪︎Vitamin D deficiency
▪︎Prolonged exposure to estrogen
▪︎Family history: If a woman has her mom, sisters, aunts, or female cousins living with fibroids, she may have a higher likelihood because of genetic predisposition.
▪︎PROLONGED ESTROGEN EXPOSURE: Obesity and early onset of puberty are other factors that can contribute to prolonged estrogen exposure. Fat cells produce extra estrogen. All these work towards enabling the uterus to develop these masses. Vit D deficiency also triggers fibroid growth. High blood pressure can also be linked to obesity.
The treatment of fibroid can be invasive or non invasive
Invasive treatment is majorly by surgical removal of the masses, while non invasive treatment includes uterine artery embolisation which cuts off the blood supply to the masses, causing them to die off, ablation (laser removal), medications like birth control pills, iuds, hormone regulatory drugs and other supplements or herbal preparations used in this present time as part of the treatment options.
Treatment will vary for various individuals and is usually determined by position and size of the uterus. An extensive discussion must be had with a doctor to determine the best mode of treatment for the individual especially if infertility is in the picture.
As with any chronic disease, lifestyle modifications play a role in helping to manage/prevent the condition.
Foods, exercise, and avoiding alcohol can build solid foundations to prevent the triggers needed to cause the growth of fibroids
Certain foods act as triggers, making the fibroid symptoms worsen.
Foods that worsen the symptoms of fibroids;
▪︎Higher fat cuts of red meat
▪︎High-sodium processed meats ▪︎Processed foods
▪︎Excessive sugar
▪︎High sodium foods
▪︎High-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
Foods that can minimize fibroid risk or symptoms while boosting overall health are:
▪︎Green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, and broccoli
▪︎Brightly colored fruit and vegetables
▪︎Beans and legumes
▪︎Fish, especially oily ones
▪︎Foods rich in Vitamin D, like low-fat milk and eggs
▪︎Whole grains
▪︎Potassium-rich foods like kiwi, bananas, tomatoes, and avocado
▪︎Green tea.
Eating right, exercising, and maintaing a healthy body can contribute towards a better management of fibroids.
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