What are chemicals? These are inorganic substances used by man to improve life, generally speaking… The main point here is that they are inorganic, i.e not natural substances.
These synthetic substances were not there from the beginning of time. One common compound we are all used to having around us, plastic, was made just in 1907. Since their invention, all chemical substances have undergone various modifications to make them better suitable for man’s use.
Our focus today is on those ones that affect fertility. Now these modifications and improvements on these synthetic substances have given rise to the compounds we call Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)
These are the ones causing problems for fertility… EDCs are compounds found in our everyday life as seen in the diagram above. They are compounds used in preservation of processed foods, seen in personal care products, cosmetics, pesticides, air fresheners, cleaning agents, etc… They are formulated to come in close contact with man without causing any harsh reactions…
They get into the body by transdermal absorption(through the skin), inhalation or ingestion.
We’ll focus on the fertility problems.
When they accumulate in the body, they can cause:
▪️Early puberty
▪️Menstrual irregularities
▪️Poor pregnancy outcomes like miscarriages, implantation failure, preterm delivery and still births.
▪️Premature ovarian insufficiency (early menopause).
How can all these happen? Let’s take a look…
Some EDCs have short half life and will clear from the body within weeks if the body does not have continuous exposure to them. Some however stay for months before the body can get rid of them.
Can you now see why they cause disruption to our body’s functions?
The biggest culprits of the EDCs affecting fertility are:
▪️Bisphenol A (BPA) seen in plastics and their derivatives.
▪️Phthalates seen in lotions, soaps, perfume, etc.
▪️Polybrominated Diethyl Ethers (PBDEs) seen in preservatives, cleaning agents, furniture polishes, etc.
Some of us might be wondering, what then can we do? These things are everywhere. Do we then live in a bubble?
Luckily the answer is no. A few life modifications will go a long way to reduce our exposure to these compounds while optimizing our bodies for pregnancy.
▪️Reduce use of plastics for food and drinks. Store food in steel or ceramic plates. Drink from stainless steel flasks or travel mugs.
▪️Leave shoes outside or a locked wardrobe as much as possible.
▪️Use organic products for skincare and household products like for cleaning, air fresheners, etc.
▪️Anyone trying to conceive in our time and having a challenge must look into detoxification.
Note that there are various methods of detoxification available now. Knowing the best one tailored to your specific need can only be by discussing with a professional who will help you determine your toxicity level and prescribe the best method of detoxification *for you*.
▪️Finally, take supplements to help your body’s functions and equip/boost your immune system.
At L.O.V.E. FOUNDATION we have a range of supplements and detoxification kits for different needs and after evaluating a person/couple, we recommend purely organic products for supplementing and detoxification according to your specific need.
This is why counseling is all too important. Don’t just follow the crowd and get things off the counter. Work with professionals to know what your body needs..
Radiations are all around us in our time; from our laptops, phones, WiFi, TV, radios, tablets, microwaves, the list goes on… Each of these emit radiations. What do these radiations do to us?
Depending on the dose, duration and number of exposure to radiations, the can cause reversible or irreversible damage to our cells and to our interest today, our reproductive cells; the eggs and sperms our bodies produces.
▪️In males: arrested puberty(poor development of gametes in younger men), gonadotropin deficiency, aspermia(no sperm production which can be reversible or irreversible)
▪️In Females: sterility, arrested growth in prepubertal girls, poor development of uterine muscles leading to multiple miscarriages and preterm labor, etc.
These things are real
I once had a client who had her market shed under a communication mast. She had been trading there for 3yrs. She was 35 and after review, we saw she had premature ovarian failure. All her eggs had dried up. Unfortunately, it was irreversible because of the duration and dosage of radiations received.
She can only have kids through donor eggs.
For radiations, stopping exposure is key! How can we achieve that?
▪️Don’t carry/ place gadgets around your pelvic area( phones, laptops, tablets, etc.)
▪️Turn off WiFi when not in use
▪️Wear radiation repelling objects/jewelry. (We have them available at L.O.V.E. FOUNDATION ready for delivery worldwide.
Also taking good supplements helps the body repair injured cells faster.
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